Oklahoma City Personal Injury Attorney  Higher Settlements in Oklahoma Truck Accidents vs Car Accidents: Why It Matters

Settlements in Oklahoma Truck Accidents

We depend on trucks. They deliver food and many of the things we depend on in our daily lives. Trucks vary in size and weight, anywhere from the smaller delivery trucks that often deliver packages to our doorsteps to big rigs that can weigh in at 10,000 pounds or more. All truck are larger and heavier than most cars on the road. When a truck and a car are involved in a traffic accident, the property damage to the car and the physical injuries to a car’s occupants are often severe. In some cases, the accident can cause death. Truck accident cases can be complex and if you have been injured in a truck accident, it is likely that you are facing serious medical issues. An experienced OC truck accident can help you get the settlement you deserve.

According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2012, 3,921 people were killed and 104,000 people were injured in crashes in the U.S. involving trucks weighing more than 10,000 pounds. A fully loaded big rig can weigh up to 80,000 pounds.  That truck, traveling at 65 mph can take approximately 525 feet, or almost the length of two football fields, to stop once the brakes are applied. If a truck with that size and weight rear-ends a vehicle in front of it, the car’s occupants can suffer severe injuries.

Liability Issues Can Be Complex

While often a rear-end collision offers clear liability, much of the time, liability can be complex. Often, more than one vehicle may be involved in addition to the truck and your vehicle. Proving liability can involve some investigation in addition to obtaining police and eyewitness reports.

Truckers and trucks are governed by both state and federal law. When those laws are not adhered to, by the trucker or trucking company, liability may ensue.  Trucker liability can also be found based on negligent driving for the conditions. This can include such things as failing to yield, speeding, failure to stop, or other reckless driving. In addition, if a truck driver drives more hours than they are allowed to by law and an accident results, the trucker may be held liable. Driving limits are meant to prevent excessive tiredness. These limits mandate how long a truck may drive per day, include mandated rest periods, and limit the number of days that a truck may drive without a significant number of hours off.

Finally, it is the nature of the trucking industry that liability may lie with several parties, including the trucker, the trucking company, the people who load the truck, and the truck’s manufacturer. When a load is incorrectly loaded, it can cause the truck to swerve and tip over. Inspection logs, repair and maintenance records, and mileage logs are all critical to determining liability in these cases. Failure to keep proper records may create liability on the part of the trucking company. An experienced OKC truck accident attorney will know what documents must be obtained to determine liability in these cases.

Common Injuries in Truck Accidents

The type and severity of injuries involved in a truck accident will depend on the circumstances of the accident. But common injuries include such things as:

  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries,
  • Lacerations and disfigurement, and
  • Death

The more severe the injuries, the more likely an injured party will require extended medical care. Some injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries will require continued medical care and assistance with tasks of daily living for the rest of the injured party’s lifetime.

Higher Settlement Values in Truck Accident Cases

Valuation in personal injury cases can be complicated and is dependent on the circumstances of each case. Because trucking accident cases tend to have higher damages, they also tend to have higher settlement values. Some of the valuation issues surround the severity, duration, nature, and limitations of an injury and its effect on a person.  A valuation can also be affected by the trucker’s actions. A trucker who knowingly places the public at risk by his or her reckless actions and causes an accident may be exposed to punitive damages. This can be the case, for example, if a trucker drinks alcohol or ingests other intoxicants prior to driving.

Free Consultation: Oklahoma City Truck Accident Attorney

These cases can have catastrophic injuries that may affect a victim for the rest of his or her life. Getting legal help can mean the difference between recovering and drowning in medical bills. Get help when you need it most. You pay nothing for our representation in personal injury cases until we get you the compensation you deserve. Before we even start working on your case, we want you to know where you stand. A call to the Personal Injury Law Office of Oklahoma City costs you nothing, but the information you receive could be invaluable.

For a free, no-risk consultation with a knowledgeable Oklahoma City personal injury attorney, call today: (405) 716-4878  (716-HURT).

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